crown cupcakes cupcakes MAHKOTA

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

    The ends of the fissure framed cake batter to make a soft white coconut cupcakes are like a beautiful crown. Soft texture with a sweet-savory flavors that tease.


* 400 grams of brown sugar
* 300 ml coconut milk
* 400 grams of wheat flour
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 150 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
Coconut batter: Mix together

* 400 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
* 75 grams of rice flour
* 20 grams of starch
* 1 teaspoon salt

A. Comb brown sugar, mixed with coconut milk in a saucepan. Jerang him on fire, simmer until sugar dissolves, remove from heat, strain, allow it to warm.
2. Place the flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda in the container. Pour the sugar water is still warm, stir well. Pat with your hands for 30-45 minutes until it feels light. Set aside for 1 hour.
3. Enter the coconut milk, stir and pat again until well blended, set aside the dough again for about 20 minutes. Boil water in steamer, cover steamer with a towel wrap. Enter the mold bowls (50ml size) into a saucepan and heat for 10 minutes.
4. Pour the batter into the mold that is heated up to 3/4 full, cover the saucepan. Steam the cake to bloom and ripen for about 20 minutes, open the boiler cap.
5. Put the mixture into the top edge of cake coconut milk in a bowl until the cake is only visible edges. Continue cooking for 5 minutes until dough is cooked coconut milk, remove from heat. Allow to cool, remove the cake from the mold. 

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